Is My Home Right for Solar?

Once ready to make the investment in solar energy, homeowners inevitably must learn if their home is right for solar energy. On its face, solar energy is a great idea. However, like all ideas the implementation comes with different considerations. When looking into solar, it’s important for homeowners to know if their home is right for the panels. There are several considerations including location, exposure to the sun, roof quality, structure, and materials to start with. Local regulations play a role as well. The journey to solar starts with getting a clear picture on the home’s viability.

Assessing the Roof

Because the roof supports the panels, it’s imperative the roof is in good health. If the roof is at the end of its life, replacing the roof before obtaining solar panels is vital. Solar panels combined with a roof of good quality extend savings. For example, within just five years, solar panels would pay for any re-roofing needed based on savings. Roof materials matter as well. Concrete, composite, asphalt shingle, and metal seam roofs are easy to install. However, if a roof is slate, mortar, or barrel tile, it’s best to work with experts because these shingles are delicate. 

Environmental Factors

The next consideration is the environment. Google’s Project Sunroof is a fantastic tool for measuring sunlight exposure. However, this tool also estimates savings. It’s a great tool for starting the solar conversation. There’s more to consider besides a home’s solar exposure. Climate matters as well. For example, a region such as South Florida experiences much different weather than Southern California. Solar panels must be durable and affixed properly to a home. In stormy conditions, poorly installed solar panels could turn into missiles and bring incredible costs. Therefore, it’s important to discuss the nature of installation. As for the durability of solar panels, few environments offer greater challenges than outer space, yet NASA trusts solar panels to keep satellites and the International Space Station online. 

The Energy Bill

Last but not least, consider how much is paid per month in electricity. The electric bill is a source of angst for many homeowners. For solar, the magic number is $75 per month. This is where savings begin. Of course, the larger the home, the larger the bill. Consider the region as well. The Northeast and California have high energy costs. Homeowners in these regions might save a significant amount of money over decades with solar. Similarly, as energy costs rise around the nation, areas not known for having high energy costs could lock in cost certainty against any changes in energy delivery moving forward. 

There are plenty of homes that are already ideal for solar power. Using free tools for assessing a home’s solar fitness is a great idea, but ultimately a solar consultant has all the answers. Contact SuperGreen Solutions today and get a precise idea of how fit your home is for solar along with all the benefits. Get ready for tomorrow’s installment where we explain how solar actually works.

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